The amazing 95-year-old Canadian author Douglas Hall is still writing every day and hopes to have the fifth mystery title in his prodigies writing career, which began with the publication of "THE BRITTLE THREAD" in 1968."MURDER CONFIRMED" will be Hall's 29th published book ready for submission and publication on or before the end of the year or early 2025."MURDER CONFIRMED" is a taunt fast-paced tale of murder and double-dealing guaranteed to be another page-turner joining the initial four titles in THE PAUL WEST MYSTERY SERIES: "MURDER CAN Kill" "MURDER NEVER SLEEPS" "MURDER UNCHAINED" and "MURDER IN SEASON" which have captured the imagination of the world-wide mystery readers of The Paul West Mystery series who want more and are looking forward to the next title. Hall confirms that he has three more plots for the series ready to write after "MURDER CONFIRMED" and has no plans or intention of slowing down. Not only does Paul West face near-fatal danger his wife faces danger as well as she becomes a major piece in the game of kidnapping, terror, and murder." Murder Confirmed" is guaranteed to keep the reader guessing to the very last page
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