I have been most fortunate to have written “The Brittle Thread” in 1968, had it published and have never written a book that was rejected and not published.
I am now writing my twenty-ninth and am in my 92nd year. I look forward hopefully to writing the next three plots for “The Paul West Mystery Series” and who know how many more.
Ever since my first book I have been asked where do I get my plots?
The answer is my plots just come to me very easily and I must be doing something right as I have never had a bad review for any of my books. I am so blessed and thankful.
As for writing I always remember an English professor, in university, who was lecturing on creative writing holding up a book and saying ” if any of you have any hopes someday of becoming a writer here is a hot tip. Every word you will ever need is in this book all you have to do is put the words in the right order to tell your story.” He was holding up a dictionary.
For over 33 years I was a broadcaster on both radio and television where I hosted many shows. I also travelled extensively on assignment to Europe, the Soviet Union and the Middle East. I saw many places, people and events. They have all enriched my plots.
“Murder Can Kill” was the mystery novel in which I introduced Private Investigator Paul West”. It started out as just one book but it wasn’t long before I realized that I had the makings of a mystery series with him as my proganist and I was off and running.
Writing is a sheer joy. I hope the readers like Paul West as I have many more murders for him to solve and get out of the tight spots I’ve put him in.

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