The president of the AMICA Book Club has booked Austin Macauley's amazing 94-year-old author Douglas Hall to make an appearance at their May meeting to talk about his newest book in THE PAUL WEST MYSTERY SERIES: "MURDER IN SEASON" which is to be released shortly.

She has asked him to tell the members how he got the idea to create THE PAUL WEST MYSTERY SERIES"and how he wrote the other three books:in the series MURDER CAN KILL; MURDER NEVER SLEEPS and MURDER UNCHAINED. They will want to know if there will be more titles to follow, which Hall says there will be as he is already well into the next one MURDER CONFIRMED and hopes to finish it early to mid-fall this year and then on to the next. one.

Also, she would like him to give a review of his writing career and his remarkable success beginning with the first of his 28 published titles THE BRITTLE THREAD in 1968.

She ended with "after listening to what Douglas Hall will have to tell our members I know many will purchase copies of his books and ask him to autograph them."

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