Austin McCauley's amazingly prolific author Douglas Hall appeared at the Brooklyn Book Club's monthly meeting to talk about his highly successful writing career. and how he has published 29 books beginning with his first in 1968 THE BRITTLE THREAD.

What makes Hall so amazing is he just turned 94 and shows no indication of slowing down as he is well into the fifth title MURDER CONFIRMED in the fast-paced mystery series featuring the intrepid Paul West as he races to stop another murder by a cunning hit man who adds to the Cold Case Files with every bullet to the back of a victim's head.

Hall answered questions about how he comes up with such a variety of page-turning plots, and how he chooses his characters.

Hall also described how he researches and makes sure of the accuracy of his police procedures.which he runs by his son-in-law, a retired police sergeant.

MURDER IN SEASON is in production and on the cusp of being released for early summer 2023 reading. Avid readers of THE PAUL WEST MYSTERY SERIES are anxiously awaiting its release.

When the book club president thanked Hall for a lively hour she invited him to return next month and talk about how he came up with the plot and wrote MURDER IN SEASON.


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