With the release of MURDER IN SEASON, the fourth title in the Paul West Mystery Series, AM’s prolific and amazing 94-year-old author of 28 published books over a 55-year writing career is now writing the fifth title MURDER CONFIRMED.  He informs that he has three more plots ready to write.

MURDER CONFIRMED opens with a distraught woman coming to Paul West’s office and telling him that, because of his testimony, her husband was convicted of murder and sentenced to twenty-five years in the penitentiary with no parole.

“Because of you my husband was convicted of a murder he didn’t commit, now you get him out, I know who did it!”

It was the first time in West’s career, as a preeminent private investigator, that he had ever had his reputation questioned”

To wipe his record clean he, along with former partner Inspector Charles King, takes on a “hit man” who, over the years, added to the Cold Case file a number if victims with a single bullet in the back of the head.

Wendy Perkins, West’s general factotum, puts him to the test to find her before the man with the unicorn tattoo, carries out his threat.


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