"Murder In Season" is currently in production

Austin Macaulay's prolific 93-year-old author Douglas Hall,'s twenty-eighth publish book "Murder In Season" is currently in production and is expected to be released shortly. He is currently writing daily on his twenty-ninth" Murder Confirmed" for late summer, early fall, submission.

The media and reader reviews for "The Paul West Mystery Series" have been remarkable. First-time readers of the series report that once they have read one they are hooked and can't wait to read the others. The media reviews without an exception hail it as a new and imaginative collection of mystery stories that capture reader interest from page one to the end.

In addition to Hall's remarkable success as a published author he has written for television and film. He was the only multiple screenwriter for the 20th Century/NBC/CTV science-fiction series "The Starlost" and wrote the first episode."Lazarus From The Mist."

"I have written all the "Paul West Mysteries" with an eye for TV and film. They would be relatively easy to produce. The protagonist Paul West, like all the main characters and supporting cast were fashioned from my imagination and people I have known or know. They were easy to write. I just let my imagination fly on each one.. The locales would make for an economical production with no costly sets."

"Murder Confirmed" will be Hall's twenty-ninth book and, he is far from creating and over.,

I have three more plots all written and can't wait to get at them. I really enjoy letting my imagination run wild and getting Paul West, and the delicious Mandy Perkins, into one or more life-threatening scrape afer another. and, getting them out of it.

For me writing the "Paul West Mystery Series" is a dream come true."


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